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Manual devotio gabecoa
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Izen gabe direnak.haurdunaldi beteko khantoreak
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Kategoria: ENGLISH
Bisitak: 15109
Musika: Itziar Flores eta Erkuden Flores |
ONLY what is not said is
what should have been said
and what is kept silent
is what is continually fertilised
in the memory,
for ever eternalised.
I say all this -they said-
knowing that only
what has not been mentioned here
is what will live on,
what will retain fearful, nameless memory.
As the bone is carried in the seed,
so the flaw comes in the word,
but the only thing that satisfies
is the memory's serum.
ITZULPENA : Sarah J. Trutle eta Iñaki Mendiguren
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